Ngurrajuta Pmara/Ntjarra Local Decision Making Agreement

Published: 11 Apr 2024

The first Local Decision Making Agreement for a Central Australian Community was signed on 11 April 2024.

A key component of the Ngurrajuta Pmara/Ntjarra Local Decision Making (LDM) Agreement PDF (1.1 MB) is the recognition of Ngurratjuta as the voice of the region with the ability to act as the lead point of contact and decision-making for the region.

The Northern Territory (NT) Government and National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) are committed to partnering with Aboriginal communities in a meaningful way to determine the shape and control in service delivery areas, such as, but not limited to, local healthcare, schools, justice systems, local government, housing, employment, economic development and the community as set out in the LDM Framework.

The 2-stage agreement is between the Ngurratjuta/Pmara Ntjarra Aboriginal Corporation (Ngurratjuta), NIAA and the NT Government and covers the Ngurratjuta region which includes Papunya, Mt Liebig and Haasts Bluff in the first stage.

It is anticipated that expansion into the wider Ngurratjuta region including Hermannsburg, Wallace Rockhole, Areyonga, Watarrka and surrounding homelands will occur in stage 2. Further consultations will commence with these second stage communities in 2024.

Image shows a cake depicting the 4 community totems: Haasts Bluff - the centipede; Papunya - the honey ant; Mt Liebig - the willy wagtail; Kintore - the goanna/perentie.