These resources are designed to make it easier to turn Local Decision Making into real actions in both government and communities.
Local Decision Making is focusing on solutions from the community and giving power to the people who live there. The fact sheets are quick guides that explain important ideas about Local Decision Making.
The templates are designed to be simple, editable and easily printable, even from a remote area and with a black and white printer. They are tools to be used, written on and revisited, rather than glossy brochures to be put on a shelf.
Some tools and templates are for government, some for community and some for both to work together.
The tools and templates are not static, or the ‘only’ way to work. They will be useful for some projects, and other sites or projects may prefer to develop their own. They can be shared between communities, and adapted for use however suits a project best. The suite of templates will grow over time.
Each tool is given as a template, together with its intended purpose, when to use it and some suggestions on how to use it. This is a starting point, and all tools are flexible and should be adapted to suit the process underway.
Each template has been created with three designs reflecting Earth, Fire and Water. Click on your chosen template to download a .zip folder containing all three designs from which to select your preferred design.
- Commitment agreement ZIP (1023.0 KB)
- Community overview ZIP (1.0 MB)
- Community plan and visual model ZIP (1.8 MB)
- Government readiness checklist ZIP (1.1 MB)
- Heads of agreement ZIP (1.1 MB)
- Interagency collaboration agreement ZIP (776.5 KB)
- LDM EoI record ZIP (997.9 KB)
- LDM statement of intent ZIP (1.1 MB)
- Memorandum of understanding ZIP (2.1 MB)
Northern Territory Government websites
- Office of Aboriginal Affairs
- Aboriginal Interpreter Service
- Remote Engagement and Coordination Online Toolkit
- Our Community, Our Future, Our Home
- Closing the Gap
Federal Government websites
- Royal Commission into the Protection and Detention of Children in the Northern Territory (under development)
Non Government websites
For Local Decision Making transcripts in language please go to video translations.