Wugularr marks new remote housing milestone

Published: 7 Nov 2023

Local Decision making continues to strengthen communities by improving housing in the bush.

In November 2023, 28 homes were handed over to the community of Wugularr (Beswick). The homes, a mix of two, three and four bedroom homes, are helping to ease overcrowding in the community. Housing designs, locations and tenant allocations are chosen by the community through the local decision making
process and Housing Reference Groups.

Investment in housing in remote communities like Wugularr helps the local economy. This project delivered local jobs and contracts for Aboriginal-owned companies like Yingwati Pty Ltd, which prepared the land for the first subdivision, and Katherine-based business NJ Homes (NT) Pty Ltd, which constructed
the homes.

The $2.2 billion Remote Housing Investment Package, is jointly funded by the Australian and NT governments.